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Get excited July 27, 2006

Posted by amberpeace in Uncategorized.

Okay, I have bought a little something something for everyone back in the states.

No, I did not buy you a seal.

No, koala bears are in Australia.

I bought a Skype number.

“What is a skype number,” you ask? Well kids, I’ll tell you. A skype number is a handy dandy little number that lets you call my computer like you were calling a telephony line. Everyone should be excited, because it’s an 865 number. That means my mama can call me….FREE OF CHARGE! Everyone else is charged however much it would cost to call my mother.

One of the great features of this doodad is that the computer has to be on for me to get the call. Why is that great? Because I know that as soon as some of you read this, you’re going to call…and I’m going to be asleep.

And that’s why the computer will be off.

Never fear though, I’ll have the computer on whenever I’m around. If you don’t get me, you can leave a message on my voicemail 🙂

(865) 259-7123


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